Monday, February 22, 2021

Latest Update on My Cancer Journey

 Let's see, since my last chemo treatment what has happened?  I am eating solid foods, and by solid foods I mean, Hearty Gumbo, Chicken soup, Cheese burger (without the bun for now), Spaghetti with noodles, chili with noodles, chili with hot dogs, beans and hotdogs, All types of eggs, with toast, and some with ham, Popeys chicken with mac and cheese and potatoes and gravy, Bandana's BBQ (brisket, chicken, Ribs), with mac and cheese, BBQ Baked Beans, coleslaw, and Homemade Lasagna.  People ask Carolyn if I have my appetite back, I never lost my appetite, I lost the ability to eat solid food.  And now I can Doc was happy too,  when I discussed my chemo I referred to "Saturation Bombing" (for those without military background that means total destruction of the enemy and their resources) the doctor agreed with with my attitude as far as treatment, because we already are seeing progress I have a new CT Scan Mar 4 to see what's going on.  I seems that things are progressing well, but how well remains to be seen.  But at least it seems like things are going the right direction.  And the warm weather helps with the cold sensitivity so hopefully we can keep it for a while.  And with being able to eat, my weight loss is slowing down, my strength is coming back and my energy levels are increasing, I still get tired but it is at the end of the day.  So it is looking better.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Day after Chemo

    So it's the next day after Chemo, hooked to a pump I have to wear until tomorrow.  Some of the side effects have gotten stronger. Like sensitivity to cold.  But the upside is I am able to eat more. Today had Chili with Cheese and cut up hotdogs (sort of a chili beenie weenie), and had some sliced cheddar and having Gumbo for dinner.  So I am able to eat more solid foods.  So it seems to be getting better, and since the Dr. has finally agreed that 1) I can handle the aggressive chemo, 2) I won't settle for anything less that full out attack on cancer.  He has finally figured out that warriors don't believe in anything less that full out attack. So now we are on the same page (the page I wanted from the beginning).  I will beat this no matter what the odds.  That's just how I am and how my family history shows.

  And I think that fact I am starting to be able to eat more solid foods shows something about being a warrior.  And for all the people praying for me, keep them coming.  I appreciate it.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Feb 8, Dinner after Chemo

      It's post dinner after having Chemo, the Chemo was full bore aggressive.  Minimal side effects so far, but was told to expect worse as it goes.  Bring it on Chemo.  But that is not why I am making this post.  Was told my platelet count was low (saw test results and not to low, just below norm) and should try to eat foods etc. to increase it.  Well, Red meat is good for that so we tried making Chili for dinner.  Had the equivalent of a full bowl of chili and noodles for dinner.  Went down easy and stayed down.  First thing closest to solid food I have had in months.  This is a glorious day.


Feb 8 Treatment

 Had my appointment and Chemo today.  Asked the doctor about the level of Chemo, found out that when he said at my last appointment when he said he was going to light my up, he was taking me to max dose.  So he is now on-board with aggressive treatment of the cancer/chemo battle.  Asked about side effects (or lack of) and the attitude I got was enjoy it while it lasts....LOL  So I am a lot happier with the Dr.'s treatment plan.  For the first time I feel the Dr. understands that I will fight and win.  I don't think he understood how much of a fighter I am.  Also he seems to love the fact that we are always asking questions about treatment, etc.  I get the feeling that a lot his patients don't ask a lot of questions and the fact that we do makes him happy.  He was very happy that I am eating more (no matter if it's soup or chips and pretzels, it's still food).  I have noticed that the side effects that I am having (like the cold sensitivity) are worse this time (which is to be expected). So he obviously is "Lighting me up" and as much as it is going to be rougher as time goes on, I am happy because this is the way to kill the cancer, in military combat terms it would be "Saturation Bombing"  (in other words, turn their territory into a F****** Parking lot.  I don't like to lose and in this I refuse to lose.  (The doc likes our attitude in this too)

Until next time

Kevin, Cancer Warrior