Friday, October 23, 2015

23 October 2015

Been a while since I updated my journey, had busy year.  So let's see where we are, I have dropped 10 inches off my waist, I can now buy my clothes in a regular store and not a Big and Tall specialty store.  My weight is down to 365.  Have dropped 55 lbs and counting.  Walk 1.25 miles a day, have another 15 pounds to my next goal, 350.  What's so important about 350?  That is the max rated weight for most gym equipment.  So then I will be able to use the elliptical trainer at the base gym.  Blood sugar is averaging about 160, and using less insulin (doctors orders, not doing this on my own).  His and my goal is to get me off meds completely and we are headed there.  Hope to be going to the gym by Thanksgiving or Christmas at the latest.  Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Jan 24, 2015 - Welcome to the New Year

Latest Update - Jan 24, 2015

Haven't made an update since late Oct.  The holidays came, and I fully expected to gain about 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years, even with the appetite suppresant that was prescribed (which I am currently off until I can afford the co-pay) and starting smoking for a short time due to stress caused by idiots and family who had to have their own way and inconvience and endanger others on the holidays (person is convinced that driving on Christmas Day is no worse than any other day, then why was Becca in hysterics after dealing with the nuts coming home, and how would they know since they haven't had to drive on Christmas in over 15 years, stay off 70 on Christmas if you can.  Those people are Crazy).

Was at 400 lbs at last weigh in on Oct 24, so I figured if I was around that weight it would be good.  My goal is to avoid the surgery and I told myself that if I at least held my weight steady I would consider that a bonus and postpone the surgery a little longer.  As long as I was losing weight the I would not get the surgery, why fix a process that is working just to speed it up, and why do something permanent to my body if I don't have to.

Was feeling good about myself even though I hadn't weighed in through the holidays (needed to get new scale), because the 54's that I had gotten down to still fit and even felt comfortable when I had my holster on, something they didn't feel before. By the way, our Illinois Carry Permits came in so now unless I am going to the base I am holstered up now and so is Momma.  And this was even with not being able to walk outside everyday due to weather (not walking with negative wind chills, not yet). So finally yesterday I got a scale to check my weight, new digitial model that can handle up to 440 lbs (just in case).

The decision is to postpone surgery a little longer.

Jan 23, 2015 weight - 388.2

Almost 12 lbs since my last weight check and that was INCLUDING Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.

Still watching my calorie intake and walking 1-2 miles a day.

Happy New Year!!

Until Next Time.....

Eat Healthy, exercise regularly and enjoy life.