Monday, October 6, 2014

Oct 6 Update - Yes these are late updates from last month......

18 Sept Update - Late Posting

This update is late because, well, I have been very very busy this week.  We have testing going on at work, which helps my exercise motivation in as much as the walking relieves the stress of work.

Found out I have some mistakes on my blog, I started the program at 420.8 not 416. Had initially lost 6 pounds due to diet change and gained back 3, not 3 off 3 on.

As I said I dropped another pants size, my walks have increased to at least a mile per.  Walking multiple times a day.

Had my weigh-in and it was 209.6, only a two pound loss for the month.  And that is 11 total so far in the program.  But that doesn't bother me.  See, I am seeing other things change, my stomach is smaller, I am eating less.  I am beginning to get into clothes that haven't fit me in years (i.e. 2XL T-Shirts) Believe some of the weight has been increase in muscle because my knees are not bothering me as much. There will be big and small losses, as long as they are losses every month I will be happy.

Decided that I probably will not be getting the gastric sleeve procedure, as long as I keep seeing weight loss I will probably opt for the lap-band when and if I decide to get it. Still want to go as long as possible on my own.  Most people use these procedures to lose weight, which is why they have to go so drastic as the gastric sleeve, my goal is to use it to assist with my diet and exercise to accelerate my weight loss. Not instead of diet and exercise. That is what I have been reading has been the problem with so many failures with the lap band. They don't have the proper diet, or enough strenuous exercise to get the loss.  Have a friend, got lap band, complains it doen't do anything, he measures his food and everything he tells me. But guess what, he still drinks about a six pack of beer a day, or the equivilant in other alcohols.  So we are talking well over 600 useless calories.  And he doesn't bother tracking those either.

I think with my current plan I will be able to lose the weight with the lap band.  Yes, I have days where I don't do well with my calorie intake, but most days I finish the day with a positive bank. By that I mean, I have a 2100 calorie a day limit right now (as my weight drops that will have to go down too, but then the app I am using to track it recommended 2900 calories a day for weight loss, so I am good for a bit.). On average I burn 4-600 calories a day walking. So now we are at about 25-2700 a day just to maintain current status.  I try to come in a the end of the day at or about my walking burn, although so days I don't.  But on average I finish with about 400 calories left on a 400 burn day. Which means I am controlling my diet pretty good, some days it is even higher, but some lower, but I always try to stay in the positive. (Learned this on Active Duty and when I followed it it worked real well, and it seems to be working now).

Really not excited about getting surgery if you can't tell, but we will see what we see.

6 Oct Update - Still Late

As you can tell, never got the 18 Sept post made, testing has kept me busy.  Was having issues the past two weeks exercising, finally figured out the problem was my shoes had worn out.  Also realized that during my weigh-in I still had my shoes on.  Something I normally don't do. Won't do that next time. Got new shoes last week and walked at work for the first time in them this week. Big difference, walke about 1.5 miles (I say about, I was a little over like 1.56 or something), stopped at that point, legs were getting tired and I was thirsty, feet are fine though, great sign of things to come.

Also have some other updates, still need to get scale for the house, but have been eating less and now I usually take in under my allowed calorie level most days (there are some where I don't stay under, but I don't go over the amount available due to exercise so I stay in the positive. Not a good burn loss those days, but a little is better than none.  Should get better because we are in the soup and chili season, and have been researching the foods, they are lower in Calories than most of the foods I ate during the summer. Probably because of how they are prepared.

Also, had to add 3 more belt holes to my belt, NOW it's time for a new belt. And with that note, those 56 inch jeans that I was so proud to get into, (remember them), they are starting to become an embarrassment...LOL.  I didn't put my belt on right away over the weekend and they started to slip down. That is embarrassment I can counter with a belt, but also embarrassment I can be proud of.

Ran into a friend of ours I hadn't seen in a few months while helping Rebecca find a home coming dress (and we found one that everyone could agree on because the one she was going to use was ugly enough to make me 1) Immediately tell her we would go out on Sunday and find her a nice dress.  2) Make me willing to visit the mall as a last resort (Bless you Brenda Vielweber at Dress Barn on Hwy 15 for saving me from that). and 3) I vomited in my mouth a little, yes that bad.  But when we ran into Brenda at Dress Barn (Carolyn's former boss, our dear friend and the Store Manager at Dress Barn, which is why we kept suggesting it to Becca cause Brenda can always find nice clothes for the girls) she took one look at me and said, "You've lost weight."  I felt good about that.

So Progress is being made.

Until the next update.

Eat Smart, Eat Healthy, but do enjoy a snack now and then, just plan for it. And get some exercise.  Those are the keys. Surgery is just a tool to help, it is not the solution.

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