So it's the next day after Chemo, hooked to a pump I have to wear until tomorrow. Some of the side effects have gotten stronger. Like sensitivity to cold. But the upside is I am able to eat more. Today had Chili with Cheese and cut up hotdogs (sort of a chili beenie weenie), and had some sliced cheddar and having Gumbo for dinner. So I am able to eat more solid foods. So it seems to be getting better, and since the Dr. has finally agreed that 1) I can handle the aggressive chemo, 2) I won't settle for anything less that full out attack on cancer. He has finally figured out that warriors don't believe in anything less that full out attack. So now we are on the same page (the page I wanted from the beginning). I will beat this no matter what the odds. That's just how I am and how my family history shows.
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